Monday, 28 May 2012

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    Deliberately try to program right thoughts into your head every single day
    . This is the best way to change the picture of fear into one of victory.
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    Realize the best defense from fear is a good offense. What you imagine is almost always worse than the truth. So many times the "truth" you see in your mind is only the truth as you believe it to be. So sometimes the best thing is the very thing you fear, even if you have to do it afraid.
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    If you have some kind of phobia, like phobia of being in a crowded area, being alone, going to a place that you hate, a certain color, or anything that you know is harmless, just go to that place with a friend or go alone keeping in mind that nothing will happen(you know it). If it's some color or thing just touch it 'till you realize that nothing will happen. If it's a spider, go stand near it. You know that nothing will happen to you and its just the look that scares you.
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    Forget method: Tell all your friends your fear. Ask them not to talk about it. Get busy.
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    Confront method: This isn't as scary as it seems but keep doing the activity next to someone then alone.
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    Fun method: Print out a picture of it, punch it, kick it! Do anything that makes you feel better and tell the fear you're bigger than it

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