Saturday, 19 May 2012

We live in an empty and shallow world where we are constantly assessed as if we were a commodity. As we walk in the streets, when we enter a store or when we go for an interview we can feel eyes staring at us from head to toe. As if we didn’t have our own conscience accusing and reminding us of our imperfections.

It could be those extra pounds, those not so perfect teeth, the unruly hair, the not so even skin, the lack of style and so on ...

Oh how these things though being so small and insignificant weighs more than a ton in our consciousness, and the worst thing is that it leaves us feeling abandoned, unappreciated and insignificant. 

“When we let these things affect our inner self is when we lose the glow of life that makes us beautiful.”

I think everyone have heard that famous phrase that says that beauty comes from within. Well, it’s true!

When a person is happy and strong inside she transmits a special glow to everyone around her. She looks, speaks and acts differently and attractively. Everyone wants to be near her because she transmits peace and confidence.

So, the first step we need to take in order to become even more beautiful is to get rid of any type of complexes. No matter what you feel or what you heard. You need to get rid of all the negativity that have being stealing your glow way.

Until you get rid of this complexes it will be really hard for people to see your beauty, and do you know why? It's because people are a reflection of us. It's like a mirror; the mirror reflects our image. If we are chubby it will show and with people is no different. If we are full of complexes and insecurities, people will automatically notice this straight away.

Metamorphosis 1 - Do a self analysis and find out what are the complexes that have been making you to be so insecure. Eliminate them from your life by the power of your mind. Look at them as your enemy and reason of your defeat. Every time they pop into your mind, you will not only rebuke them but you will also act in an opposite way. For example: if you have complex of your legs and you normally hid them behind a pair of trousers, this week you will overcome this complex by wearing skirts. If your complex is to think that you do not know how to express yourself well, this week you will give your opinion whenever an opportunity arises, and so on....

You will challenge these complexes and eliminate them from your life by doing the opposite of what they are telling you to do.

Let's show to the devil and to the world the beauty of faith that God has placed within each one of us!

Share your experiences with us by leaving your comment below.

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