Wednesday, 15 August 2012

3 Day of the 21 Days

Many voices have good intentions, but because of their origins, ultimately lead to evil. The bona fide object of others is evil.
There is only One, Single Voice for good: the Voice that comes from the Mouth of God… Through the Written Word, or announced by those who have rivers of Living Water flowing from their interior.
Rivers of Living Water are words of faith, encouragement, awakening, strength, revival and everything else that lifts up the fallen, resurrects the dead and generates life where there is death.
In addition to giving life, it creates other wellsprings of life.
To absorb them, however, you need to run from all other voices and fix your spiritual and physical eyes on the voice of the written Word.
He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water. Jesus
- John 7.38


  1. This is my opportunity to allow only the word of God to influence me. I noticed now that the words that come from God do not condmen or bring a person down. On the contrary they lift you up and give you life and strength to move forward!
