Tuesday, 1 October 2013

The Fast of Daniel Purpose – Day 9

Good morning everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Fast of Daniel Purpose – Day 9

In the Lord’s Prayer, the Lord Jesus teaches us that we should ask the Father to deliver us from
all evil. If evil didn’t exist, and its intentions were not to destroy us, the Lord wouldn’t have
bothered to include this part in the model prayer.
So, begin the day by rebuking all and every evil that is around, which is attacking or planning
on an attack against your life.
Health-wise, your mother was right: fruits and vegetables are better for you than a bag of
potato chips. Eat healthy today. (Why not tomorrow and the day after that as well?)
Be aware of someone who may be suffering quietly around you, hiding their pain behind a smile
or make-up. Ask God for wisdom, the moment and the words to offer understanding and advice
to this person. In order to avoid sending any wrong signals and avoid any misunderstanding on
what kind of help you’re trying to offer, limit this contact to someone of the same sex.
A budget is a layout of expenses based on your available income and a goal you want to reach.
A personal budget, or a budget for your business, is a very useful tool in order to organize
yourself for the future and reach financial objectives. Invest some time in creating yours; it will
be of great use to you. If you can’t create one today, schedule two hours to sit and work on it
yourself. This blog post will help you.

Fast of Daniel Day 9 Done √
Spiritual Rebuke all evil which is working or 
planning something against you
Health Substitute fatty and fried foods with 
fruits and vegetables
Relationships See if there is someone near you (a 
friend, colleague, family member) 
which looks depressed, stressed, 
and offer to hear them out
Finances Schedule an hour in your agenda to 
work on your monthly budget, this 
Personal Growth Read, meditate and act upon what
you read in this post

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