Wednesday 27 November 2013


“Don’t just stand around imagining how your life could be, those who really want to fulfil their dreams, invest in themselves and sacrifice everything for the sake of it.”
“Oh if only I had … if only I could …”, millions of people spend their entire lives desiring , sighing, dreaming. They truly believe that their current condition is irreversible, permanent and that they can only move from one reality to another through dreams.
To those who place themselves one this side of the border and believe that a ditch separates a miserable life from a fulfilled and happy one, I tell you, there’s a bridge between these two sides. This bridge only becomes visible when you put some special glasses: the glasses of Intelligent Faith.
A dream, accompanied by your imagination, is a beginning, but it isn’t everything! To achieve the fulfilment of that dream, you have to act, taking the right actions that will make walk towards the promised life. Remember, in grammar, the word that defines an action is a verb, so, dear reader: DREAM, BELIEVE, INVEST and SACRIFICE!

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