Wednesday 11 December 2013

campaign of israel wall of jericho

campaign of israel wall of jericho


The sacrifice that the Lord Jesus Christ made in Mount Calvary 1978 years ago, must be seen by all Christians as an example to follow, as the Word of God says: “Therefore be imitators of God as dear children. And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma.” (Ephesians 5:1-2)
Unfortunately, we have been seeing many Christians that, because they don’t have the spiritual vision of Christ’s sacrifice nor the courage they need to sacrifice, they use the Master’s sacrifice as an excuse to accommodate themselves.
When we speak about spiritual vision regarding the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus, it is because His sacrifice does not have anything to do with our financial conquests, but with the conquest of God Himself, who chose the way of sacrifice to forgive our sins. Isn’t this what is written in Hebrews 10:12?
However, Jesus offered Himself as the ultimate sacrifice for our sins and sat down at the right hand of God. But even so, in order to receive forgiveness, we have to do our part, by repenting.
This is the reason why there are so many people suffering from addictions, financial problems, sickness, destroyed families and other problems.
If the sacrifice that the Lord Jesus made in the Calvary 1978 years ago were enough to conquer material blessings, there would not be more suffering from that date on, don’t you think?
Of course, you don’t need to be whipped or hung on a cross, with nails on your hands and feet, but we have to sacrifice in order to conquer what we want.
When we speak about lack of courage to sacrifice is because every sacrifice implies pain and self-denial. If we stop to think, there is no success without sacrifice. For example: how many people would like to have a degree?
However, in order to achieve a degree a price needs to be paid. Only who is a graduated or is studying to become one, knows how sacrificial it is. In the same way, if an athlete wants to make a difference in the sport they practise, they know that they have to work hard in the training, and give up many things in order to be ready to win and become a winner. Besides, they need to fight against the adversaries.
In fact, there is no conquest without sacrifice. If you desire something in your life, you must sacrifice. If you don’t sacrifice, what you desire won’t be materialised in your life.

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