Thursday 16 January 2014

I never felt beautiful enough!


I never felt beautiful enough! Never felt skinny enough! It was a constant battle every time I had to get dressed to go anywhere.
It took me hours to dress up cause nothing changed the bad image I had in my mind.
There were always cuter girls, smarter girls, better girls…this was good and bad, let me tell you why.
Bad, because it made my teen’s years so bad and I had bad ideas in my mind due to the lack of self-esteem.
Good cause it was the very reason I ran to God. Since according to me I was so worthless I began talking to God a lot. And I received His Spirit…and yupiiii
I began to invest on spiritual things, serving God, learning from God and my inside began to bloom. My thoughts, my ideas. The truth about me was becoming beautiful cause I was the daughter of God.
I get ready very quickly today! I go out with my first choice of clothes, I like what I do with my hair, I like to do my own nails….My husband and friends always compliment me, not because I am the prettiest woman on earth  but because I invested inside!
If I kept on trying to just fix the outside, better make up, better body, better this or that it would never be enough!
This could be the reason why you always feel ugly.
List on how to work on your inside:
-Talk to God more often
-Be honest
-Do things with sincerity
-See things with spiritual eyes

Just a few for you to begin working on!

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