Monday 28 December 2015

Let your outward beauty reflect your inward beauty. Maintaining inner beauty does not mean that you cannot look beautiful on the outside, as well. Beauty is harmonious, so if you are beautiful on the inside, you should take care of your body and treat it with enough respect so that others can see your beauty, as well.
  • This does not mean that you need to be supermodel-pretty or hung up on your looks. It does mean that you should not be afraid to look your best. There is a certain amount of self-satisfaction one feels when looking in the mirror and liking what one sees. Loving yourself enough to strive for this sensation is a healthy and virtuous amount of outward beauty.

Do not use your outward beauty to tempt others. A difficult task for women nowadays is balancing the fine line between looking their best while dressing modestly. You do not need to look frumpy, but before putting on an outfit, ask yourself if the clothes you are about to wear may tempt others into vice in thought or action. If so, choose a different outfit.
  • A revealing outfit might temporarily attract men, but men of character are won over by women of virtue.
  • While men are responsible for their own thoughts and actions, they are also visual beings and tend to be influenced easily by what they see. Being kind enough and respectful enough to give the men around you one less source of temptation is another mark of virtue.

Act in service to others. While you should not ignore your own needs, you should think highly of the needs of others and be there to take care of those needs when you can.
  • An obvious example of service would be volunteering your time in a formal situation to help others. Less obvious, however, are informal ways you volunteer your time and energy.
For example, a virtuous woman will be there for a friend who needs her help.

Be hospitable, generous, and kind. Kindness is about more than nice words and pleasant smiles. To be truly kind to someone, you need to approach that person with a giving spirit.
  • To be kind means that you should be the sort of person whom others can turn to for positive words and actions. It is not enough to simply exchange a few nice words in passing.
Complete the tasks given to you. Do not falter on your responsibilities. If you are given a task,finish it in a timely manner and without procrastinating.
  • Another way to look at this principle is to label it as self-discipline. Even if no one is watching and you are able to procrastinate on a task or put less than your best effort into it, you should still do your best with it and complete the task promptly. True virtue is not found merely in the Use your money wisely.

Use your time wisely. Everyone needs time to relax, but overall, you should try to stay active
  • Take time to relax and recharge as needed, since you can only be at your best when you are sufficiently well-rested.
  • Do not stay active simply for the sake of staying active, though. You do not need to mess up a room just so you can stay active cleaning it. Do not create more work for yourself, but be willing to do the work that needs to be done

Have faith. Traditionally, having faith refers to faith in God. 
  • A biblical example of a virtuous woman is Ruth, who chose to follow the God of Israel in spite of the difficulty it brought her, when it would have been easier for her to return to Moab and worship the gods of her childhood.
  • This story can teach a valuable lesson,  Ruth had committed herself to faith in the God of Israel and was ready to face the consequences, even though backing down would have been easier. You, too, should commit yourself to your faith in God, and remain faithful in spite of the challenges.

Cultivate reason. Women tend to be very emotional beings, and the downside of emotion is that it can often blind or cripple reason. A virtuous woman accepts her emotions but uses reason to temper her reactions.
  • Govern yourself by wisdom rather than by folly. This is a biblical principle taken from the Book of Proverbs, but it can be applied to your life even if you are not a Christian. You can listen to your heart for guidance, but ultimately, you must judge a situation with your mind, using the wisdom you have built up throughout your life to accurately assess things.

Respect your husband, if applicable. If you are married, you need to love and listen to your husband. Your marriage is a partnership, and your husband is expected to respect you, as well, of course.
  • You do not need to obey your husband's every command, but if you married a man of character, he will not want to do anything to cause you harm. As long as this is true, then you need to at least respect your husband by discussing points of disagreement and considering his perspective before mutually reaching a conclusion, You need to be faithful to him.

  • Commit yourself to a virtuous life. If you really want to be a virtuous woman, you need to prepare yourself for a lifetime commitment. A virtuous life is not an act you can put on for a few days. True virtue is a lifestyle.

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