Tuesday 22 December 2015

Organizing Your Home 2nd parte

 8 Find a place for everything. If your house is unorganized, you probably don’t have designated places for all your things. Instead of resigning items to a certain room or area, keep track of a very specific location for everything in your home.
  • Don’t simply leave something on your nightstand, create a space specifically for that item. Do the same for everything in your home so that things aren’t left lying around without a place to live.
  • Keep something like a basket or small stand near the front door where you can place things you need to deal with when you have more time. This might include your mail, items from the store, or things from school and work                                        

 9  Space by space. Choose a day during the week on which you have most (or all) of your time free. Then, choose a single area in your life that is unorganized and needs to be cleaned up. This could be rooms in your house, your car, or your office at work. Then work only on throwing out unnecessary items that are taking up space in that section of your life.
  • Get organizational storage containers, folders, and boxes to help your place stay organised. You can buy items designated for organized storage from many department and furniture stores, or you can make your own using things like cups, shoe boxes, and dishes. Make these organizational pieces a bit more attractive with a coat of paint or a covering of fabric.
  • Consider the last time you used the items you are sorting through. If it has been many months or years since you last needed it, consider throwing it out
10 Get rid of things you don’t need. Although you might assume that you “need” everything you own, an disorganized house is probably likely to have some items you don’t. Sort through the things that constantly give you clutter and determine how useful it is to you. If you haven’t used it in a long time, don’t use it frequently, don’t like it anymore, or don’t need it, get rid of it.
  • Keep your emotions separate from the items you are sorting. Sure, your great aunt may have given you that porcelain, but do you truly want or need it? Make steps to throw these things out, and don’t feel like a bad person for doing so.
  • Separate things you get rid of into piles such as trash, donations, and things to sell. Then, process each pile accordingly.
  • Hold a garage or yard sale to make some money on the things you are throwing out. Large items, such as furniture or electronics, can be listed on online selling sites like eBay or Craigslist so that you don’t have to host a large event in order to make your money


  1. Organization it's all in a life cost time and money. Very nice

  2. Organization it's all in a life cost time and money. Very nice
