Friday 6 December 2013

I want it, I want it, I want it…

I want it, I want it, I want it…

I want it, I want it, I want it…
I want the baptism in the Holy Spirit, but I also want to enjoy the “joy of the flesh”: That’s impossible.

I want a new life, but I do not want to quit partying and the night life: That’s impossible.

I want the fulfillment of the prophecy: life more abundant, but I also want to be “free” to do as I please: That’s impossible.

I want to take possession of the Promised Land, but I do not want to cross over the Jordan river, overcome the walls of Jericho, let alone confront the intruders who are already there: That’s impossible.

I want to graduate, but I do not want to study hard: That’s impossible.

I want to make money and live a peaceful life, but I don’t want to work hard: That’s impossible.

I want to be married and happy, but I don’t want to follow God’s advice nor obey His word: That’s impossible.

I want to live by faith but I don’t want to sacrifice: That’s impossible.

I want to have it all but I don’t want to pay the price: That’s impossible.

I want a bountiful harvest, but I do not want to sow: That’s impossible.
 I want an omelet, but I do not want to crack the egg shell: That’s impossible.

“Nobody can make a fool out of God; whatever a man sows He will reap. Because the one who sows to his flesh, from the flesh will reap a curse. But the one who sows to the Spirit of God, from the Spirit of God will reap eternal life.” Galatians 6.7,8 (personal interpretation)

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