Friday 6 December 2013

So Many Doubts

So Many Doubts

Imagine someone coming to you and asking if you are sure your mother is really your mother? Or your father is really your father. What would you say?
But that is exactly what the devil asked Jesus in the desert…If you are the son of God? Now he tried confusing Jesus about being the son of God imagine what the devil will use to pull us down.
Even though I was told so many times to use my faith and look at things by faith, I still expected things to happen in a magical way. I still expected to receive a spirit that would do everything for me…when in reality I would have to push myself and my mind into belive.
God is not magic! But God is reaction…our conversion is a decision, when we do it God reacts. And when we seek Him with all our strength and mind we receive Him. But most times we want to make mechanical prayers and receive the Holy Spirit. It won’t happen.
I thought I could never be a woman of God because it seemed so difficult. But by faith little by little I got there.
Just follow the sequence, stop living a wrong life (you will make mistakes but stand up repent and continue), get baptized in water, seek the new birth, seek His Holy Spirit, and Exercise your faith.
Don’t desire to be an assistant, to be this or that…desire to be of God

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